
New Antiwork Mojo. Why not a planned economy? We are culture.

not trying to be rude here but this sub has seem to got stuck into a grove of just showing examples of employers being **** suckers and having no regard for human well being. I myself would love to start to see some variety from the hottest posts like some discussion on actual issues and how we can evolve from the current status quo thinking on issues. We need to start thinking more outside the box of current left mantra of pushing for things we actually want that are within the realm of possibility. We need to be EXTREME with our ideas so our policy actually achieves what we want. Hence how the right has got traction and outpaced the left in the US over the past 40 years on abortion, gun control, taxes, electoral distribution maps, drug laws, prison reform, general economic policy, banking policy, military policy, fucking wars,…

not trying to be rude here but this sub has seem to got stuck into a grove of just showing examples of employers being **** suckers and having no regard for human well being.

I myself would love to start to see some variety from the hottest posts like some discussion on actual issues and how we can evolve from the current status quo thinking on issues. We need to start thinking more outside the box of current left mantra of pushing for things we actually want that are within the realm of possibility. We need to be EXTREME with our ideas so our policy actually achieves what we want. Hence how the right has got traction and outpaced the left in the US over the past 40 years on abortion, gun control, taxes, electoral distribution maps, drug laws, prison reform, general economic policy, banking policy, military policy, fucking wars, and much much more. Luckily forums like Reddit are a perfect breeding ground for these ideas.

I myself have always had interest in a more planned US economy where there was a maximum amount of money you could make in America. After that nothing. All to the government and poor. I don’t fucking care about what you did or how much value you think you brought to the economy. As history has shown half of those **** suckers knowingly lie steal and cheat their way to the top. The other half stumbled into fortune.

YOUR IDEAS DONT MEAN SHIT UNLESS YOU HAVE PEOPLE TO CARRY THEM OUT FOR YOU. You think your hot shit because you had some half baked idea and the bull run rained fucking freshly printed money at you? And now look inflation, recession, etc?

So why not a planned economy?

I know the US has had a long strong history of individualism and “rags” to riches stories, but even this post is downvoted to infinity it is apart of this culture. We are culture. And we can determine what the future of America is. Do you want individualism or do you want good for the common man?

TL;DR Fuck you

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