
New Boss ghosted me for two weeks without a schedule because they were “busy”

After a few years slaving away in a management position at a very popular restaurant chain, I felt I had enough of being the only person in management actually contributing to our team, and quit. I gave notice and immediately started looking for new positions in the area where, due to my experience, I had a handful of prospective positions each paying almost 50% more than my previous hourly wage One of the positions was in a small family run business in a great area where I knew tips could easily double my old wage. After my interview everything felt great, and the questions I asked the owners helped me understand that this position would be significantly easier than any other job I’ve had before, and I would be guaranteed at least 35 hours each week. Once I compared all my offers, I decided to go with the small business…

After a few years slaving away in a management position at a very popular restaurant chain, I felt I had enough of being the only person in management actually contributing to our team, and quit. I gave notice and immediately started looking for new positions in the area where, due to my experience, I had a handful of prospective positions each paying almost 50% more than my previous hourly wage

One of the positions was in a small family run business in a great area where I knew tips could easily double my old wage. After my interview everything felt great, and the questions I asked the owners helped me understand that this position would be significantly easier than any other job I’ve had before, and I would be guaranteed at least 35 hours each week. Once I compared all my offers, I decided to go with the small business for the reasons I described above.

Once my training shifts were over, both owners gave me the green light and said they would send me a schedule by the end of the week, but I never heard back until 2 weeks later after I had messaged them for the third time asking for a schedule. Basically the gist of their message was basically saying that the old employee who gave up the position decided to come back a couple days after I trained, and therefore they could only give me a measly 1 day a week to support myself as if rent and expenses aren’t skyrocketed right now in California. Apparently they knew this right after i trained but they were too busy with their kids at home to even fill me in.

I was furious because not only was I basically out of a job, but since I was given the green light after training, I had rejected all my other offers while I waited for two weeks earning nothing only for the owners to stop ignoring me and finally let me know that I was basically fired. They even had the audacity to ask if I still had other job offers available.

It’s frustrating because how do you even morally screw someone over like this and not even come up with a better excuse than “I was busy with my kids”. Ive found a new job and managed to pay rent and expenses for the month purely with my savings but I couldn't imagine how long I would have been out of a job after quitting. Employers like these are one of the main contributors to this terrible market and I hope their business of horrifically overpriced garbage closes down soon.

TLDR: Boss decided to wait two weeks because they were. busy with their kids before finally responding back to my messages that I was no longer needed due to an old employee returning after confirming me a 35 hour work week.

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