
New cell phone rule and asking you all if they can actually do this?

So I work at a job that runs 24hrs a day done in two 12hr shifts. There's a lot of down time and during covid they let things slide a lot more and allowed cell phone usage be a little more normal. Now that they want to get back to pre-covid they are now saying that if we catch you on your cell phone in the work area you have to show us that what you were doing on it is work related or get written up (you get 3 write ups and you're fired). Me personally thinks they can get fucked but also it's my personal property and I don't have to show you anything regardless if it's work related or not. Feels like a major bully/power move in a job scenario where there's always hours of downtime. Can they legally write you up for not showing proof of…

So I work at a job that runs 24hrs a day done in two 12hr shifts. There's a lot of down time and during covid they let things slide a lot more and allowed cell phone usage be a little more normal. Now that they want to get back to pre-covid they are now saying that if we catch you on your cell phone in the work area you have to show us that what you were doing on it is work related or get written up (you get 3 write ups and you're fired). Me personally thinks they can get fucked but also it's my personal property and I don't have to show you anything regardless if it's work related or not. Feels like a major bully/power move in a job scenario where there's always hours of downtime. Can they legally write you up for not showing proof of what you're doing or are they just calling our bluff to see how far they can get away with over stepping boundaries.

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