
New company wants me to work 6 hours a week in a lower role, compared to 22.5 hours a week in my current role

Currently, I work as Duty Manager for a public swimming pool in Australia having been at the pool for 3.5 years and manager for 6 months. Before I got the Manager role I was employed as a part-time Lifeguard contracted to do a minimum of 28 hours a fortnight, which I was doing per week anyways to help out and earn a decent amount to save up. When I became Manager I wasn't able to maintain my contracted Lifeguard hours so was made a casual Lifeguard along with a casual Manager, which allowed me to earn a bit more in the short term. The sole reason why I wasn't given any part-time contracts is because there is a new council company taking ownership of the pool on July 1st and at the time of the contract change it was still uncertain what they planned to do. In the past month…

Currently, I work as Duty Manager for a public swimming pool in Australia having been at the pool for 3.5 years and manager for 6 months. Before I got the Manager role I was employed as a part-time Lifeguard contracted to do a minimum of 28 hours a fortnight, which I was doing per week anyways to help out and earn a decent amount to save up. When I became Manager I wasn't able to maintain my contracted Lifeguard hours so was made a casual Lifeguard along with a casual Manager, which allowed me to earn a bit more in the short term.

The sole reason why I wasn't given any part-time contracts is because there is a new council company taking ownership of the pool on July 1st and at the time of the contract change it was still uncertain what they planned to do. In the past month we've received more info in regards to the changes and what they plan to do, albeit with some uncertainty in some areas.

During the interview stage, I made note that I was mainly a Manager atm with the occasional Lifeguard shift cover happening here and there to help out. One would assume that priority would be given to me to maintain some Manager shifts drawing on my experience, knowledge, and strong work ethic, but alas that is not the case. An email was sent to me last week outlining my offer of employment, which would have me working 6 hours a week as Lifeguard, but no mention of any Manager shifts. Ok I think, they will probably send me a separate email with the Manager shifts or have me work like this for the first fortnight before bringing me back on as Manager.

All of those thoughts then got dashed yesterday when I was talking to another Manager after my shift and what offers we got. She showed me that the email she got listed more shifts for her, not only as Lifeguard but also as a Manager. The worst part is that she's been here for just over a year, and last month was shadowing me on my Manager shifts so she could be trained up fully. And somehow, SOMEHOW, has been given a better offer work-wise than someone that is considered a veteran/senior lifeguard and a decent Manager (me).

So now I wonder if I should take up the offer, reply back to them asking why I haven't been offered any Manager shifts/request my hours be matched to what I'm doing, or apply for a new job with consistent hours and benefits and ditch this offer.

Also, I did the math and noted that I would be taking a $573.5/week pay cut despite a $6/hour difference ($29/hr for Lifeguard, $35/hr Manager). Currently I'm earning $747.5/week (pre-tax), whereas I'll be earning $174/week with the new offer.

TL;DR new company is offering me 6 hours a week at a lower rate, whilst others are getting better offers despite me working here longer than them.

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