
New daycare job doesn’t care if you come to work sick

I started a new job working at a daycare where I teach 2-2 1/2 year olds all day. Where I live, the maximum amount of kids I can have by myself as one teacher is 7. 98% of the time I am at 7. I am in charge of potty training, changing diapers every hour, entertaining, and planning activities based on the curriculum for that age group. I am paid a dollar over minimum wage, for this job. I should also add we are extremely understaffed. Here’s what’s happened so far after working there for a month and a half: I am scheduled for 9 hours with an hour lunch. 9/10 times I only get a half hour lunch because of understaffing. This means I get involuntary overtime regularly. I rarely get a single 10 minute break, and I’m required to have one every two hours. I have been sick…

I started a new job working at a daycare where I teach 2-2 1/2 year olds all day. Where I live, the maximum amount of kids I can have by myself as one teacher is 7. 98% of the time I am at 7. I am in charge of potty training, changing diapers every hour, entertaining, and planning activities based on the curriculum for that age group. I am paid a dollar over minimum wage, for this job. I should also add we are extremely understaffed.

Here’s what’s happened so far after working there for a month and a half:

I am scheduled for 9 hours with an hour lunch. 9/10 times I only get a half hour lunch because of understaffing. This means I get involuntary overtime regularly. I rarely get a single 10 minute break, and I’m required to have one every two hours.

I have been sick since literally the 2nd week (4 weeks total now). I have cold symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, and sinus congestion. I wear a mask everyday even though it is not required, and I have been taking cold medicine this entire time. I finally went to the doctor yesterday (idk why it took my so long… that’s on me) and I was prescribed antibiotics. I called out the first day I was sick, and yesterday so I could go to the doctor.

This morning, I woke up with pink eye. In both eyes. I called my boss and told her what’s up and that I won’t be coming to work. She says, “With pink eye it’s not required to stay home. You can just wash your hands.” Lady, my eyes are oozing green discharge and my eyelids are swollen. I’m not coming to work today.

I think it’s incredibly irresponsible to tell a teacher to come to work while actively sick and treating pink eye. I’m not going to risk spreading that to the kids. Am I in the wrong here?

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