
New /development in Job Hunting

I am 60+ years old and looking for a job. Twice now, I have received emails after 9:00 at night suggesting an interview or zoom meeting the next morning. I'm usually in bed by then and don't rush to my computer first thing in the morning either. Both times, my late notice of the email has cost me any chance of the job. (And once brought me a really horrible reply). Is this how it's done nowadays?

I am 60+ years old and looking for a job. Twice now, I have received emails after 9:00 at night suggesting an interview or zoom meeting the next morning. I'm usually in bed by then and don't rush to my computer first thing in the morning either. Both times, my late notice of the email has cost me any chance of the job. (And once brought me a really horrible reply). Is this how it's done nowadays?

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