
New employees are getting a higher base pay and corporate keeps saying the raise for everyone hired before 2022 is “unknown.” Is there any organization I can contact?

I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this. I'm not sure where to get advice about work situations. If anyone could lead me to a better sub for this type of situation, please do so. So I work for a childcare company. When I started in 2019, the base pay was $9/hr. Fast forward to December 2021, my boss tells us corporate contacted them and said everyone was getting a $2 raise. January comes around and they tell us only the new hires are getting the raise and they are working on getting the raise for older hires. The new hires are literally getting $11/hr with no experience, nothing while myself and 5 other employees are still just getting the $9. We're halfway through February and the only thing my boss has said was that corporate needs to contact someone even higher up to sort things out.…

I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this. I'm not sure where to get advice about work situations. If anyone could lead me to a better sub for this type of situation, please do so.

So I work for a childcare company. When I started in 2019, the base pay was $9/hr. Fast forward to December 2021, my boss tells us corporate contacted them and said everyone was getting a $2 raise. January comes around and they tell us only the new hires are getting the raise and they are working on getting the raise for older hires. The new hires are literally getting $11/hr with no experience, nothing while myself and 5 other employees are still just getting the $9. We're halfway through February and the only thing my boss has said was that corporate needs to contact someone even higher up to sort things out.

I've been working at this same company, same location for quite a bit of time so I have the experience now and I'm almost halfway through my Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education (thought I'm sure that doesn't matter since it's not completed). I've worked through some of the worst Covid times, even getting Covid and having to take time off (UNPAID BY THE COMPANY) because of exposure from the center. I've work 12 hour shifts with no breaks for weeks at a time. I've worked in my classroom while being over ratio by an extreme amount because of understaffing.

Is there anyone I can call? I've thought about anonymously calling the corporate number and saying something along the lines of “Hello, I'm an employee at [childcare center's name] and I'd like to file a complaint about the pay situation” or something, without giving away my ID. Not sure if that would even help anything. I'm not sure, I'm just mad and venting I guess. Just curious on what my options could be. Or what I could say to corporate to get my point across.

I know should just find a new job and quit because the conditions are just unfair, but I do like the company. I liked the job when everything was fair and everyone was treated like actual human beings. I don't think $9/hr is worth it when I'm getting bit and pinched by the children everyday. $11/hr isn't worth it either, BUT it would be way better and I'd be an equal to my fellow new employees.

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