
New Employers Fill Out Forms On Our Time?

Whats up with this new trend of hiring people and sending me the employment forms the week before I start. Do you think I want to spend a few hours of my weekend filling out employment applications, forms, payroll systems, etc? Sorry but this all used to be part of DAY 1 at a new company. Where you introduce me to the team, show me where the coffee maker is and I spend the first half of the morning filling out all the forms and getting settled in. No, I am not doing this the Friday before the week I am due to start, nor am I doing it over the weekend. This is DAY 1 STUFF!

Whats up with this new trend of hiring people and sending me the employment forms the week before I start. Do you think I want to spend a few hours of my weekend filling out employment applications, forms, payroll systems, etc?

Sorry but this all used to be part of DAY 1 at a new company. Where you introduce me to the team, show me where the coffee maker is and I spend the first half of the morning filling out all the forms and getting settled in.

No, I am not doing this the Friday before the week I am due to start, nor am I doing it over the weekend. This is DAY 1 STUFF!

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