
Hospital gate keep workers and allow rich workers to return to work, while using fear and intimidation to capture the wealth of poor workers all to increase corporate profits.

I am a bit of a troll on Reddit, I have been through a lot of therapy and am working to improve how I interact on the subs. I actively evaluate how I interact and try to be a better community member, and at times am incredibly critical of Reddit fucks who employ tactics and try to take power from other and limit the speech of other on this amazingly beautify experiment of a platform. I am fiercely passionate about worker right tho, the rebirth of the American Dream and will always support an individual’s personal liberty and right to participate. I truly love people and want a better American experience and experiment. It is time for a better America. I apologize for the writing, try to make it through it. This post fits here, IMO, as insurance to maintain one’s health is vital at this point for participation in…

I am a bit of a troll on Reddit, I have been through a lot of therapy and am working to improve how I interact on the subs. I actively evaluate how I interact and try to be a better community member, and at times am incredibly critical of Reddit fucks who employ tactics and try to take power from other and limit the speech of other on this amazingly beautify experiment of a platform.

I am fiercely passionate about worker right tho, the rebirth of the American Dream and will always support an individual’s personal liberty and right to participate. I truly love people and want a better American experience and experiment. It is time for a better America. I apologize for the writing, try to make it through it.

This post fits here, IMO, as insurance to maintain one’s health is vital at this point for participation in the work marketplace. Work in the best situation should provide healthcare insurance, I am a union worker and my CBA is strong. My Sisters and Brothers make a great wage and have amazing benefits. I am privileged to be in this environment. Yet my field is highly competitive and if you can’t show up your gone.


My experience yesterday at a well know hospital has changed my course at this inflection point I change course. I was again exposed to the tactics corporations use to separated workers from their wealth.

Anti work is a movement. The power in this forum is such that transformation is inevitable. The time is now to act. Change is a coming. I encourage all to take care to change well so we better tomorrow than today. I love u all.

I had surgery yesterday. 24 hours before the surgery I get a call. I have amazing insurance. I have fought hard both physically and intellectually to get where I am. I am not in the elite class of my profession but I am close. I produce great work product and take pride in this exchange.

I am disgusted at what happened Wednesday, but what I heard Thursday was a modified extension of the strong arm tactics hospital corporations use to confiscate the wealth of individual workers.

The phone rings, it is the hospital. Hospital says I’m on the hook for 800 usd. I say I can’t pay it. They say they will reschedule the surgery. The person I am talking to is a lower level worker. She is very good at her job, which is to intimidate workers into giving up their wealth. Or as the hospitals will say take what is rightfully theirs. When she says, we will reschedule, which puts the surgery outs 45 days from now, she is denying my right to work and trade my labor for dollars. She a lower level worker and she is intimidating me to pay the other 20% that my insurance will not cover or the corporation remove through pain and turmoil my right to work.

This is the key argument that I want to clearly state. This is extortion, if I don’t pay I do not get to participate in the market place. This corporation has the power to remove me over 800 dollars. The hospital worker is the power structure.

I say I can’t pay. She starts at needing the full amount, goes down to 600, reduces to 400, I get it down to 100. The hospital representative repeatedly tells me that if I pay the full amount now everything tomorrow will be ok. To me this sounds like a threat, I hear, if you don’t pay something bad will happen tomorrow. After working with refugee families and children for half a decade I can’t help but bounce this veiled threat across the context of a second language learner. It may, to the second language learner, sound like a blank ant threat. As the families I worked with from different parts of the world have told of such strong arm tactics being emplaoyed against them. Hospitals are and should be for healing not threatening. I am paraphrasing what she said, yet the fact remains this is intimidating and fear inducing.

The hospital has a superior conditions for this negotiation, if I can not pay the next most rich customer in line gets the service provided as the poor ones do not. They know I am in pain, can not work and need this surgery to participate in the market place of work labor exchange, money. The hospital is employing fear and intimidation tactics to the end that they can horde more wealth, keep up stock prices and continue this cycle of violence and gate keeping against the working poor.

They agree to 100 usd down and payments. The catch is they need to get the head of the department to approve the plan. This powerful bit of information is another tactic to employ. This message is confusing. This is fear inducing. At this moment I didn’t have the money to pay. I felt like I was their bitch, then I snapped out of it and starting working on a plan to get the money so when they declined my offer I could pay. I didn’t know how much time I had.

6 hours later

The hospital calls and informs me that the payment plan has been rejected. They called my doctor and the doctor said the surgery was elective and because it was elective they needed the full amount. I say I won’t pay, she say you need to reschedule. At this point I fed up with this bullshit. I start speaking about the ideas in this post, surprisingly she agrees with me ( this may have been a tactic but it sounded genuine) and has what genuinely appears to be legitimate meaningful empathy. I was cussing and fighting she was not relenting and we were having a legit argument that turned into a conversation, a conversation about reform.

She is an expert and I want to participate in the marketplace. We agree on 400 usd (usd is lowercase as the usd should no longer be a proper noun). I check the bank and as I am more well-off than the majority of people in the US, a wire just came through from other business dealings and I am flush with cash. I pay the full amount.

1 hour prior to surgery I am waiting in the waiting room. Across the TV blares the most toxic political garbage you can imagine. The hospital that stongarmed and threatened me now is forcing me to listen to this bullshit. Fuck you again corporate sloth.

A short while later I am minutes away from surger. The pain washes over me in a final push to overcome me. Through this fog I here a familiar discussion to the one I had the day prior. Hospital is refusing to allow an older woman surgery as she may not be able to pay the anesthesiologist the full amount. This is the same tactic they used against me.

The anesthesiologist comes in and starts hitting me with more political bullshit garbage, I just stare say something back and can’t believe what the last 24 hours has taught me.

I do not know if the woman next was given permission to return to the work marketplace of if the gate was politely shut in her face by some the hospital shill, whom most likely is in the same financial situation as the not able to pay woman.

This shit is wrong. Refusing a workers ability to be healed is wrong, it is so so wrong. The corporation is filthy rich, take a payment plan.

The counter argument to allowing workers to make payments for their 20% or more ( I know I am more well endowed in my insurance situation than most) portion of the bill may go something like this. The hospital provides a product that is very expensive to provide is oftain a high quality product and the corporation deserves fair compensation. This is a solid argument. Yet, as a worker the corporation presses upon the worker with fear and intimidation as they employ the threat of removing the worker from their right to sell labor at the rate the market place will tolerate. This is the same argument the corporation make. Both want to enjoy the opportunity to participate in the marketplace and sell their product at a fair price.

The corporations have the power. The worker does not.

The corporation born healthcare power structure has an unjustified powe over the common and uncommon worker. They have the power to shut the gate on you at any time they wish for any reason if you find yourself in need of a repair. For most workers being out of work for 45 day will disappear their wealth. What is more striking is they have the power to permanently remove any individual from the market place by refusing to heal ones body. Think about that. Healing is a sign of love and empathy the hospital chooses to not do this so that they can take the wealth of people. And by choosing not to heal those who need healing they create a situation where the wealth of the worker is reappropriated through force back into the economy rather than the worker storing the wealth so that they may have a small bit of security.

I’m fucking fed up with living under this corporate power boot. It is unjust that this power is perpetually employed to destroy individuals. They working poor to the center middle class are all under this boot.

Just accept the fucking payment plan.

CAN Governments can provide subsidies for individual workers in the Same manner they do for corn markets and soy markets?

Imagine how nearly free
-water sewer
-cell and internet
-health and mental health care

would transform the working class. If you want workers to show up empower the worker with the tools they need to work.

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