
New hires guide to avoiding toxic work environments.

“We’re a big family here.” Translation. They’re going to abuse you and manipulate you into doing more work than what you’re paid for to “help the work family.” If you hear this, run. Does not have the pay posted or has a large gap in pay rates. This means they will start you at the lowest wage possible and tell you that you can earn more for your performance. Nothing you ever do will be enough to get you a good pay. They will always find a reason to keep your pay as low as possible. This is especially true in plant jobs. They use the point system. The point system is a lazy way to keep people with difficult home and health situations out of the job. They don’t want to deal with people needing time off for anything. You’ll notice a very high turnover rate at these places.…

  1. “We’re a big family here.” Translation. They’re going to abuse you and manipulate you into doing more work than what you’re paid for to “help the work family.” If you hear this, run.

  2. Does not have the pay posted or has a large gap in pay rates. This means they will start you at the lowest wage possible and tell you that you can earn more for your performance. Nothing you ever do will be enough to get you a good pay. They will always find a reason to keep your pay as low as possible. This is especially true in plant jobs.

  3. They use the point system. The point system is a lazy way to keep people with difficult home and health situations out of the job. They don’t want to deal with people needing time off for anything. You’ll notice a very high turnover rate at these places.

  4. The owner/supervisor gives too much power to a team lead. Means they will not be willing to deal with situations themselves and will probably be in their office all day doing nothing. Don’t bother taking your issues to them, they don’t care.

  5. They use a temp company. They’ll probably fire you at the end of your temp contract because it’s cheaper than hiring people in and having give them raises. Temp jobs are just that. Temporary jobs until you find something better.

  6. There’s no performance evaluations. Again, you’re not getting a raise ever. They will keep the lowest performing people because they know the high performers will do the extra work trying to get recognized and move up the ladder. You won’t be recognized.

Feel free to add on any other red flags you’ve noticed while working.

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