
New job….

So I started a new job. I don’t know if I love it but it has health insurance and pays the bills. For the time being it’s OK. I’m getting paid minimum wage for something I need a psychology degree for but I digress. They are very disorganized. Like, incredibly so. One thing I wanted your opinions on was they didn’t tell us to clock out for lunch, so I haven’t been. Our lunch is the time in between clients and can range anywhere from 15-45 minutes. My question is – should I be clocking out?

So I started a new job. I don’t know if I love it but it has health insurance and pays the bills. For the time being it’s OK. I’m getting paid minimum wage for something I need a psychology degree for but I digress.

They are very disorganized. Like, incredibly so. One thing I wanted your opinions on was they didn’t tell us to clock out for lunch, so I haven’t been. Our lunch is the time in between clients and can range anywhere from 15-45 minutes. My question is – should I be clocking out?

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