
New job and schedule

I landed a pretty well paying gig at an airport recently – and I’ve been coming in as needed for a couple weeks now because they don’t have me on the schedule yet. It’s a part time job but they’ve had me working over 40 hours a week which is cool for now but not what I was looking for. Before I even got hired I told the manager that there’s a few days later this month that I 100% cannot work, and she said that was alright – cut to today and we get the new schedule and she has me working every single day that I said I couldn’t. And now it’s on me to get the shifts covered on my own time. Feels pretty bad but I need the money, I just wish things were different

I landed a pretty well paying gig at an airport recently – and I’ve been coming in as needed for a couple weeks now because they don’t have me on the schedule yet. It’s a part time job but they’ve had me working over 40 hours a week which is cool for now but not what I was looking for. Before I even got hired I told the manager that there’s a few days later this month that I 100% cannot work, and she said that was alright – cut to today and we get the new schedule and she has me working every single day that I said I couldn’t. And now it’s on me to get the shifts covered on my own time. Feels pretty bad but I need the money, I just wish things were different

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