
New job has expensive sick policy

I'm doing onboarding for a new job. It's nothing fancy, a cashier position for a bakery. I thought this is going to be an easy job, just selling cakes. It's $12 an hour, 30 hours a week. Boy, was I wrong. The PDFs I'm going through have some of the strictest policies I've ever seen but the sick policy takes the cake. I don't know how to attach a photo so I'm typing it out. There is no pto, sick pay, holiday pay. Immediately sent home when we see you are sick. Once we are aware you are sick: You will be removed from the rest of the schedule for the rest of the week and your shifts will be given away As soon as you have a Dr release note, please email it to us at the bakery email Until you have provided a Dr note you will not…

I'm doing onboarding for a new job. It's nothing fancy, a cashier position for a bakery. I thought this is going to be an easy job, just selling cakes. It's $12 an hour, 30 hours a week. Boy, was I wrong. The PDFs I'm going through have some of the strictest policies I've ever seen but the sick policy takes the cake. I don't know how to attach a photo so I'm typing it out. There is no pto, sick pay, holiday pay.

Immediately sent home when we see you are sick.

Once we are aware you are sick:

You will be removed from the rest of the schedule for the rest of the week and your shifts will be given away

As soon as you have a Dr release note, please email it to us at the bakery email

Until you have provided a Dr note you will not be added to the schedule and will only be added when shifts are available

If you called out on the weekend, you will not be added to the schedule for the following week until we have received a Dr note for returning.

When schedules are being prepared if we still do not have a Dr note you will not be scheduled.

They also have a very strict no call no show policy which makes the sick policy even worse.

For the no call no show you have to have proper documentation for all call out such as car wreck, flat tire, etc. And you are required to have someone inform the bakery incase there is an emergency such as suddenly being in the hospital. If you don't have proof of the emergency, Its automatic no call no show.

This also includes needing to take care of an ill family member, they require documentation proving the family member is ill and needs care taking.

This company is in the USA. We don't have universal Healthcare. Our Healthcare is crazy expensive and this company is paying peanuts. I can't afford a $110 doctor visit for a note every time I'm sick especially when there's no guarantee to be scheduled.

And after 2 strikes you're fired or demoted to a temp position and let go.
I really need a job to pay my bills but these policies might be too extreme.

P.s. I cant get unemployment in my state easily or else I would let them fire me. This is an at-will state so companies don't need a reason to fire someone.

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