
New job in Germany coming from the U.S.

I moved to Germany last November, and tried to get a job as a foreigner who is fluent in the language. This is mainly due that I have been able to experience both countries almost simultaneously while growing up. Yes, army brat. But not just any army brat, one of many brats who went through both school systems. The only one I missed out on was the U.S High School system. Gradeschool and Middle School, check. Hauptschule, Mittlere Reife and almost Fachabitur? Check. Worked at a few part time jobs while going through school, but then decided to leave the U.S. about ten years ago due to family matters. TLDR: I am fluent in English/German and moved between the two, as well as worked in both countries. When I first started working in the U.S as a cash register, I was pretty rude compared to american typical work ethic. I…

I moved to Germany last November, and tried to get a job as a foreigner who is fluent in the language. This is mainly due that I have been able to experience both countries almost simultaneously while growing up. Yes, army brat. But not just any army brat, one of many brats who went through both school systems. The only one I missed out on was the U.S High School system. Gradeschool and Middle School, check. Hauptschule, Mittlere Reife and almost Fachabitur? Check. Worked at a few part time jobs while going through school, but then decided to leave the U.S. about ten years ago due to family matters.

TLDR: I am fluent in English/German and moved between the two, as well as worked in both countries.

When I first started working in the U.S as a cash register, I was pretty rude compared to american typical work ethic. I didn't allow my boss to push me into work that I knew would be qualified as overworking, and my boss even admired my work ethic, but also thick skin to her abuse (weird I know). Over the last 10 years I worked in all forms of jobs. Fast food, Restaurant cook, U.S Military, Call center, Post Office, Donut Shop, etc. Tried to go to school… too expensive and I live the debt free life (as much as possible). But as time moved on, I adjusted, morphed and changed into what is an american worker with an american work ethic. Stfu, go to work, pretend the company has your interests, pretend to have a work family, bitch about the work but not in front of your boss, etc. I became more and more depressed, anxious and ill. I have developed chronic acid reflux since I moved to the U.S.

TLDR: I conformed as the little bitch I am. And developed health issues.

This is when I then tried to learn a new skill to get out of the jobs there were abusing me, mocking me, spamming my phone with a fake boss pretending to be nice only to be passive aggressive and shunning me for wanting a day off. Programming. This is when I met my wife, and due that she had a bachelor and I didn't, and she had a good paying job AND that daycare cost 1-2k where we lived, I become a stay at home dad. I learned how to code, make apps, learn various languages, get certificate, and followed all the stuff I was told that could get me a job in the U.S. Nothing big, but entry level. LinkedIn motivational posts, TED Talks, and more all put a fire in my ass to work hard as possible to finally contribute not only to society but also to my family. I was told by her family I was a failure, that I was good for nothing, having to deal with my own family treating me as a recovering alcoholic or meth addict just because I broke out of my mom's wanna be fundamentalist christian cult… Anyway… before I get off track. After 250 Applications applying withMircrosoft Certs and Programming certs (That cost 250$+) I got 0 interviews. There were local to my area, which is a city, but not LA or similar. Midwest. I was told by people to “Make more professional links”, “Do more Projects, one functional App on the App Store that sells $ isn't enough”, etc. Need more experience, even as a entry level novice programmer/IT worker.

TLDR: Learned to code. No job. Tried to do what is required for an entry level job. Nothing.

Since I don't have any family in Germany, I never was able to just go back. That is until my wife gets accepted to Uni in Germany. All english classes, but we need 10k Euro. We don't have that but enough to attempt the route of getting a job on a visitation visa. Since I knew German fluent, had a German education and worked here before, I thought to myself. Meh, it will be hard, but doable. Divorce material doable… but what else was I supposed to do? Continue to bag at a grocery store so people can tell their sons to go to school so they don't end up where I am right now while bagging their groceries? (Yes that happened to me, someone told their child this while I was bagging their cheap cereal). So we moved there, got an apartment from a nice couple that didn't mind us not having a job, but money and a promise to pay every month. That helped us A LOT, we found it within two weeks, can take up to 3 months of AirBnB. But this is the thing, while I was still in the U.S. packing to leave, I was already sending up to 50 applications to jobs to the local area where my wife would be going to school. 5 Interviews and two job offers within the first week I was in Germany.

TLDR: Jobs exist where you don't need a degree, but apparently not in the U.S. Got an entry level job, which means, that these things work but not in the U.S. (OR at least not in my State)

Now, the problem. I didn't get a job for 6 months. Mainly because there was a rule that EU Citizens have a right to jobs over foreigners. Almost had to move back to the U.S. and admit defeat. So I was denied about 150 jobs. But one stayed persistent with me. And after 6 months bickering with the Arbeitsamt and Ausländeramt I got my golden ticket. The work permit. So, I began to work. And I was in culture shock. Now, not all jobs in Germany are going to be like this, and I was lucky to get into a jobs that is very good, but this baffled me. No timed slots. I could work whenever, unless we were scheduled for a call/meeting. I can go to the doctor in the morning, show up to work at 10 am, and nobody cares. My boss wouldn't text me wehre I was or what I had to do for the day… nothing… just silence. I can go to the bathroom how often I want to, and not feel like my boss is timing me! (Oh call center… watch my ass warming up this seat all day now!). If I do overtime, it can be extra money, but the thing is, you can turn that overtime straight into holiday time. And god damn do Germans want their holiday time. Oh, and my boss “trusts” me… but… wait, he actually does? No passive aggressive pessimistic energy towards me ever? I don't need to explain free time, a day off, or anything. A message and a “Oh yeah that's fine, works with me”. Mind blown. Just as long, the work gets done when it is required, he does not give a fuck. It has been a few months, and I still can't fathom where I came from and where I am now. I didn't get a programming job, but I am thankful that some of the certificates actually were good for something. I wish this feeling to everyone, everyone in the world. To feel as someone who goes to work, and is treated, like a fellow human being who has the same wants, desires and wishes, and them not being withheld. That your boss also wishes the same, as he wishes onto himself.

TLDR: I am at peace with my current job that gives me more, than anything I have ever experienced in the U.S.

So no, I am never going back. I regret deeply, that I even fell as an 18 year old with the dream, wish and prospects of the American dream, when I was already living it in my own home town. At least now, I am thankful. And I hope, you all can either get a good job, or leave your state/U.S. it really is, that fucked. (Obviously personal opinion, bet there will be many success stories, but the only way to get something is like winning in the lottery).

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