
New job offer says that they will not provide future employment references if needed?

I am a student completing my degree in Computer Science and just got a job at Best Buy to pay the bills while studying. In their employment offer there is a caveat that states that the company and anyone working for the company shall not provide a work reference for any current or past employee. I’ve never heard of this before. I plan to work here while I’m in school but if I have ambitions of going to another company with my skill set gained from my schooling and need employment references to get hired then this kind of puts me in an odd position. Should I steer clear of this place? Why would a company not want to provide references to a good employee?

I am a student completing my degree in Computer Science and just got a job at Best Buy to pay the bills while studying. In their employment offer there is a caveat that states that the company and anyone working for the company shall not provide a work reference for any current or past employee. I’ve never heard of this before. I plan to work here while I’m in school but if I have ambitions of going to another company with my skill set gained from my schooling and need employment references to get hired then this kind of puts me in an odd position. Should I steer clear of this place? Why would a company not want to provide references to a good employee?

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