
New Job Same Stress

I worked for three years at a company where I was regularly bullied and harassed. I have anxiety and that was know at my old job. People either deliberately made fun of me (by reenacting my panic attacks in front of my managers) or else told management that I was using sick days cause I was anxious (even when I was sick with a cold or tonsillitis). My boyfriend (now husband) suggested we move and I agreed and quit that job and started at a new company. The issue now is that this new job is very complicated to learn and involves a lot more work than was communicated to me during interviews. The expectation seems to be that being overloaded is the norm. I feel all of my old burnout feelings returning and I dread going to work. Financially and from an insurance standpoint I am not sure I…

I worked for three years at a company where I was regularly bullied and harassed. I have anxiety and that was know at my old job. People either deliberately made fun of me (by reenacting my panic attacks in front of my managers) or else told management that I was using sick days cause I was anxious (even when I was sick with a cold or tonsillitis). My boyfriend (now husband) suggested we move and I agreed and quit that job and started at a new company. The issue now is that this new job is very complicated to learn and involves a lot more work than was communicated to me during interviews. The expectation seems to be that being overloaded is the norm. I feel all of my old burnout feelings returning and I dread going to work. Financially and from an insurance standpoint I am not sure I can afford to quit. What should I do?

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