
New job wants me to start after a planned vacation. Do I give my current job notice?

I've been at my current job on and off for 4.5 years. I was recently passed up for a managers position without even being considered. At that point I knew there was no reason to stick around as it was now just a job. I've been looking for work where I could get the chance to grow in the company and I finally got the call from a place I had interviewed and they would like me to start the Monday I return from vacation. Now do I put in my 2 weeks notice and possibly jeopardize my vacation pay or do I just give my notice on the day our hours are supposed to be submitted to payroll?

I've been at my current job on and off for 4.5 years. I was recently passed up for a managers position without even being considered. At that point I knew there was no reason to stick around as it was now just a job. I've been looking for work where I could get the chance to grow in the company and I finally got the call from a place I had interviewed and they would like me to start the Monday I return from vacation. Now do I put in my 2 weeks notice and possibly jeopardize my vacation pay or do I just give my notice on the day our hours are supposed to be submitted to payroll?

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