
New Manager is forcing me (a par time teen) to work 4 days a week, including both weekend days.

Hi so this is going to be freaking long. So i work for a popular sportswear brand at the outlet mall. The company is actually amazing, they pay 15 which should be the minimum they pay for retail and the work is chill and easy-ish. The thing is the people there are actually very horrible, everyone hates each other and talks shit, very toxic. The place is basically ran by college kids and grumpy vulgar 30 year old managers. 4 of my high school friends just quit there (bc they were tired with dealing wth the managers bs) and that cut out basically 50 percent of the sales associate level workforce there. The general manager (He had a horrible personality but he ran the store very leniently) actually left too last week and so our store is under the management of our district manager and now we are in a…

Hi so this is going to be freaking long. So i work for a popular sportswear brand at the outlet mall. The company is actually amazing, they pay 15 which should be the minimum they pay for retail and the work is chill and easy-ish. The thing is the people there are actually very horrible, everyone hates each other and talks shit, very toxic. The place is basically ran by college kids and grumpy vulgar 30 year old managers. 4 of my high school friends just quit there (bc they were tired with dealing wth the managers bs) and that cut out basically 50 percent of the sales associate level workforce there. The general manager (He had a horrible personality but he ran the store very leniently) actually left too last week and so our store is under the management of our district manager and now we are in a very bad worker shortage because of the managers treating us like dirt and being assholes. So yesterday i come back from my vacation getting a call from this new district manager that I havent even met. He said if I dont put my availability to 4 days including the two weekend days that they are going to fire me. I tried to say that I am trying to get another job and I need to reserve a weekend day for them but he wouldnt budge. I tried so hard to reason with him. I even called up the store assistant manager and she says its all up to him. Right now i have 3 days availability including one weekend day which is very reasonable for a part time employee. I have been there the longest now, coming up on a year. I don't understand why they are treating longtime loyal employes like this.

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