
New standard for antiwork – what is your idea?

I was thinking yesterday, that we should hold a kind of focus group here about things we can do, little or big, to support our fellow workers and to stop really stupid situation from happening to them. One thing I do when I'm being asked by a business “based on your interaction with…, how likely would you be to recommend xyz?”, I give a 10, and simply leave a comment about how this would be a ridiculous reason to scold or withhold a bonus over. Those surveys are garbage and are usually used to penalize employees over something they only have partial control over. What else would you like more people to do that would make this living nightmare we call employment just a bit more bearable?

I was thinking yesterday, that we should hold a kind of focus group here about things we can do, little or big, to support our fellow workers and to stop really stupid situation from happening to them.

One thing I do when I'm being asked by a business “based on your interaction with…, how likely would you be to recommend xyz?”, I give a 10, and simply leave a comment about how this would be a ridiculous reason to scold or withhold a bonus over. Those surveys are garbage and are usually used to penalize employees over something they only have partial control over.

What else would you like more people to do that would make this living nightmare we call employment just a bit more bearable?

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