
No bathrooms at work

Hello, I work at a large US retailer. Yesterday our toilets backed up and have all been locked. I had no access to a restroom for my entire shift. I've come to learn that management is ordering port o potties to solve this issue. However, we are located in a VERY hot and dry desert. 110 degree days this week. Is it ethical or legal for them to do this? I just can't imagine peeing in a plastic box under 110 degree hot ass sun. What can be done?

I work at a large US retailer. Yesterday our toilets backed up and have all been locked. I had no access to a restroom for my entire shift. I've come to learn that management is ordering port o potties to solve this issue. However, we are located in a VERY hot and dry desert. 110 degree days this week. Is it ethical or legal for them to do this? I just can't imagine peeing in a plastic box under 110 degree hot ass sun. What can be done?

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