
No better way to start your day than with a meeting explaining why your numbers sucked the day before

This is from when I worked for Bell Canada/The Source, I have recently quit. I was in a C class store (one up from the bottom) and our quota for phones was 3-5 a week, we on average would do 1-3 a week. First I want to say my store manager was great and she knew what the real world was, it was the district manager and above that was disconnected. So our CEO said they want more money and to sell more phones, so they did like a trickle down pressure. It started not too bad where if at the end of the week your store did really bad then you would get a call from the DM, like your quota was 10 and you did 3. But as time went on it got to the point where if you didn't sell a phone the previous day then you…

This is from when I worked for Bell Canada/The Source, I have recently quit. I was in a C class store (one up from the bottom) and our quota for phones was 3-5 a week, we on average would do 1-3 a week.

First I want to say my store manager was great and she knew what the real world was, it was the district manager and above that was disconnected.

So our CEO said they want more money and to sell more phones, so they did like a trickle down pressure. It started not too bad where if at the end of the week your store did really bad then you would get a call from the DM, like your quota was 10 and you did 3. But as time went on it got to the point where if you didn't sell a phone the previous day then you go into a meeting and explain why you didn't sell a phone.

Now my store was a C class store in a plaza, and near a retirement home. So we didn't get much foot traffic and people who did come into the store generally were looking for batteries or a cable not a phone, so I was doing these daily meetings almost every day. At the start I was (I hate to say it now) a “yes man”, but after a month or 2 something snapped in me and I started to make notes about every customer I would help and who didn't buy a phone, something like: 40 year old male – looking for aux cable – already has phone contract.

I would then take these notes to these daily meetings and directly ask the DM how I can convert someone who already has a phone plan to buy another from me? The DM would always be vague. Not long after they fired my manger for not making quotas and I left soon after.

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