
No bonus/raise for you but give us Christmas gift money /s

My mortgage job doesn't even pay 15 an hour (at least to ME I learned this week that's another story) and they have fired several people to save 100k a month. It's a small private family owned company. Yet they still ask without fail for everyone to pitch in and contribute money towards Christmas gifts and birthday gifts for our salaried bosses who rarely work in the office or show up and get paid an outrageous amount of course because it's a mortgage company. I ignore these emails but it so ulcer inducing they can even think for a second to fucking ask for that shit. We don't get any bonuses, and only a 3% raise a year. I got 42 cents this year for that. I just passed 14 an hour with that raise. I'm working on getting out of there just sucks. PS. Extra notes why not if…

My mortgage job doesn't even pay 15 an hour (at least to ME I learned this week that's another story) and they have fired several people to save 100k a month. It's a small private family owned company.

Yet they still ask without fail for everyone to pitch in and contribute money towards Christmas gifts and birthday gifts for our salaried bosses who rarely work in the office or show up and get paid an outrageous amount of course because it's a mortgage company.

I ignore these emails but it so ulcer inducing they can even think for a second to fucking ask for that shit. We don't get any bonuses, and only a 3% raise a year. I got 42 cents this year for that. I just passed 14 an hour with that raise.

I'm working on getting out of there just sucks.

PS. Extra notes why not if your looking for drama!- I know I need to ask for more pay but I'm in a weird catch-22 small town mentality shit hole. My mother is a bank exec elsewhere, and gave my name to them when I was desperate to get out of my teller job at another bank because I was literally having nightmares about that retail job 4-5 days a week.

I talked with her about how to ask for more money when talking with them about the job offer and she pushed me not to because I wanted to leave my teller job so bad and shouldn't push back/be demanding.

She worked this same job when fired at another bank (personality issues? Sexism? Stood up to a sexual harasser lost her job) as a favor from my boss so she'd have health insurance before getting her NEW exec job at another bank so she knew how little it paid and still sent me there as a favor and believed I guess I deserve so little pay and to be happy about it.

Also two years in, just found out several people make $5 more an hour than me if not $10.

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