
No Cost of living increase

​ Hello throwaway Account to avoid retaliation. ​ I work for Discover Financial Services. I have worked there for a significant amount of time. (wont specify how long due to company reads this subreddit). Last week we had the once a year Q&A with the leader of the company. It was scheduled for an hour however the first 30 minutes was just a pre recorded presentation that felt like it was suppose to be presented to shareholders instead of actual employees. ​ The final 30 minutes were for Q&A. One of the very first questions someone asked was would the company consider doing anything to help employees combat growing inflation. The leader wasted no time saying “Discover never has and never will give a cost of living increase” He then went on to say that he thinks inflation is on its way down and no one needs a raise because…

Hello throwaway Account to avoid retaliation.

I work for Discover Financial Services. I have worked there for a significant amount of time. (wont specify how long due to company reads this subreddit). Last week we had the once a year Q&A with the leader of the company. It was scheduled for an hour however the first 30 minutes was just a pre recorded presentation that felt like it was suppose to be presented to shareholders instead of actual employees.

The final 30 minutes were for Q&A. One of the very first questions someone asked was would the company consider doing anything to help employees combat growing inflation. The leader wasted no time saying “Discover never has and never will give a cost of living increase” He then went on to say that he thinks inflation is on its way down and no one needs a raise because he noted the price of Timber is down 30% from its all time high and everything else will follow soon.

This blew my mind. I have watched prices of Rent skyrocket to 1900/month I have watched Energy and food prices soar. For the first time in my life Ive had to go to local food shelters and food programs to be able to afford to eat (this is while working full time ). All my money is going to keep a roof over my head and pay my bills I can't afford vacations or new phones or invest in my future. Timber wont put food on my table timber can't pay my bills or help me get by.

The next Question that was asked was if the company would consider a 4 day work week or do away with the archaic 40/week structure. The response was again a swift no any changes would make scheduling to hard and there primary focus right now is getting everyone back in office asap.

I have never felt so unmotivated or discouraged to work for a company as I did then. I finally realized how out of touch Senior Management has become. They don't care about me or my coworker only how much more can they squeeze out of us. I have watched this company cut costs ask more and more of their employees and achieve record profits but its never enough. They refuse to invest in us and only care about how happy can they make shareholders.

The company is aiming to hire 1000 new employees by end of year I hope some of those people get the chance to read this and RUN. Don;t be lured in with false promises about company culture like I was. It's just an excuse to pay you less.

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