
No Coverage, but Take Your Lunch, Tho

I went to an early appointment to get my tires changed today. 8am door opens and only one guy doing all the intake. He's tired, more people stop by to drop off their cars. We chat while he's doing intake for my car and he told me he hasn't taken vacation in years. He said he doesn't even have time to take lunch since he gets in trouble if he's not availabe during lunch. His manager tells him to take lunch, but there is no one to cover his break. I stop by again later that day to get my car. It's slower in the afternoon so we talk more, and I tell him he needs to talk to HR if his manager can't give him workable solutions for taking lunch. Not about getting anyone in trouble, but to help management work through this or for corporate to decide to…

I went to an early appointment to get my tires changed today. 8am door opens and only one guy doing all the intake. He's tired, more people stop by to drop off their cars.

We chat while he's doing intake for my car and he told me he hasn't taken vacation in years. He said he doesn't even have time to take lunch since he gets in trouble if he's not availabe during lunch. His manager tells him to take lunch, but there is no one to cover his break.

I stop by again later that day to get my car. It's slower in the afternoon so we talk more, and I tell him he needs to talk to HR if his manager can't give him workable solutions for taking lunch. Not about getting anyone in trouble, but to help management work through this or for corporate to decide to close for at least half hour if there's no coverage and just have a key dropoff or something.

He tells me he gets so busy he takes work home. I told him he shouldn't do that either.

I explain HR's job is to protect the company, and the management punishing him taking legally required breaks (even if they're saying take your break) and expecting him to take work home are huge liabilities for them, and if they're competent at HR-ing, then they'd help find solutions.

I asked him if he ever did get lunch. He points as his Big Gulp. He hasn't left the office all day.

I'm am sad.

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