
No feeling left.

Well I think we are getting extremely close. I don’t want to and can’t continue slaving away day after day with maximum effort for minimum results. I have a masters and 2 different degrees and no company is willing to pay me what I deserve. Been working for this company for 2 years now for shit pay and they work me to death. I never envisioned my life to be like this, but I can’t continue. Best of luck in life all.

Well I think we are getting extremely close. I don’t want to and can’t continue slaving away day after day with maximum effort for minimum results. I have a masters and 2 different degrees and no company is willing to pay me what I deserve. Been working for this company for 2 years now for shit pay and they work me to death. I never envisioned my life to be like this, but I can’t continue. Best of luck in life all.

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