
No matter how far I come in my career, I just won’t care about work.

I’m in the marketing industry. I’d say I’m pretty successful for having my third job out of college. I started out hopeful and passionate, but as time went on, as I changed jobs and moved up, I just stopped caring. I realized I didn’t have to exert tons of energy and cry everyday just to get shit done. Life isn’t made for this. I go into meetings for work and everyone’s so intense, focused, wrapped up… I’m just trying to get through the day and pretend I care for a while. I do what I have to do to get by in the workday and otherwise, I just don’t care. It’s more of a baseline care vs an all in thing I see everyone else do. I’m sure my superiors wouldn’t find this very inspiring, but if I’m doing the bare minimum and still getting shit done, why even put…

I’m in the marketing industry. I’d say I’m pretty successful for having my third job out of college. I started out hopeful and passionate, but as time went on, as I changed jobs and moved up, I just stopped caring. I realized I didn’t have to exert tons of energy and cry everyday just to get shit done.

Life isn’t made for this. I go into meetings for work and everyone’s so intense, focused, wrapped up… I’m just trying to get through the day and pretend I care for a while. I do what I have to do to get by in the workday and otherwise, I just don’t care. It’s more of a baseline care vs an all in thing I see everyone else do.

I’m sure my superiors wouldn’t find this very inspiring, but if I’m doing the bare minimum and still getting shit done, why even put more energy? This shit doesn’t really matter when you boil society down to the simplest terms. I’m not going to let myself stress over a fucking Excel sheet or a naggy client.

I work from home, get my work done, and then I do whatever I want to do. Laundry, dishes, naps. I get my work done — why should my boss care if I’m not glued to my screen all fucking day? I don’t believe in that. Life needs balance.

Thanks for reading.

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