
No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get hired.

I'm 20 years old. Graduated high school last year at 19. Very late, I know, but I've had a pretty hectic childhood which makes me fortunate to have had the opportunity to get a real diploma whatsoever. I never worked a “real job” in my life. I've done sex work since I was 12 for 7 years until I turned 18. Can't put THAT on a resume. I've got no criminal background though and I've been trying so hard to get a real job for the past months since I graduated high school but no matter how many applications I fill out noone ever responds. I feel like I'll never amount to anything in life if I can't get hired soon. If employers already consider me “too old” to not have any job experience at 20 what makes me think I'll have any better luck getting employed as the years…

I'm 20 years old. Graduated high school last year at 19. Very late, I know, but I've had a pretty hectic childhood which makes me fortunate to have had the opportunity to get a real diploma whatsoever. I never worked a “real job” in my life.

I've done sex work since I was 12 for 7 years until I turned 18. Can't put THAT on a resume. I've got no criminal background though and I've been trying so hard to get a real job for the past months since I graduated high school but no matter how many applications I fill out noone ever responds. I feel like I'll never amount to anything in life if I can't get hired soon. If employers already consider me “too old” to not have any job experience at 20 what makes me think I'll have any better luck getting employed as the years fly by and I'm still without any work history?

I can't keep living like this…. Remaining in an abusive relationship with a 46 year old man because I know if I leave I'll wind back up in a shelter or on the streets (I was already homeless and on the streets for three years from age 16-18 and I'm terrified of going back to that.) I also don't want to ever have to sell myself again. I'm so worried and I feel like a failure. So many places are hiring yet I never get as much as a simple call back.

Life is so impossible to live without an income of some sort. I'm not eligible for disability. I have absolutely no family or friends nor anyone who helps me financially besides my abusive partner. I've been to shelters before and have had severely traumatic experiences whilst living there so that's not an option for me. And besides, those shelters always promised to help me “get on my feet” yet never helped me with ANYTHING besides giving me headaches and putting me in horrible predicaments. I need to figure out a way to become independent ASAP so I can get out of here and live my life but it's not as easy as snapping my fingers and going to work every day.

Idk why nobody will look at my applications or at least give me a chance. Am I really viewed as too old to not have any past job experience at 20? Is that what's impacting these employer's decisions to not hire me?

I put down on my resumes that I'm available every day, all day, all hours and that I'm willing to start working imediately. I have no criminal background whatsoever. I've just never had a job. Is that really what's holding me back? I'm only applying to shitty jobs that claim they're “in dire need of workers” such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonald's, Stop and Shop, Walmart, etc. Doesn't seem like they're in as much of a “need for workers” as they claim.

I've been through quite a bit in my young life and I swear to God this has got to be one of the most stressful feelings of unworthiness I've ever encountered.

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