
No more bonus!?

The restaurant that I work at got bought out. We are now a corporate business, we were told many things would be changing which is understandable. I’ve been at this place for 4 years. A few months ago, the new head manager told all employees that for every hour we work from that date until October 10th we would get a $1. At the end date it would be added up into a check and that would be our bonus. We had a meeting today with someone who replaced the manager. This new guy said that was never the plan. Is there anything I can do?

The restaurant that I work at got bought out. We are now a corporate business, we were told many things would be changing which is understandable. I’ve been at this place for 4 years. A few months ago, the new head manager told all employees that for every hour we work from that date until October 10th we would get a $1. At the end date it would be added up into a check and that would be our bonus. We had a meeting today with someone who replaced the manager. This new guy said that was never the plan. Is there anything I can do?

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