

Dear all hiring managers. Stop. Fucking. Asking. For. A . Cover. Letter! ESPECIALLY if it's just customer service. Unless it's something like daycare/teaching, engineering, or whatever, I will never write another cover letter. I'm not gonna sit there and spend my time kissing your ass before I've even seen your face. You know my qualifications, it's on my resume. If you wanna get to know me more as a person, call me in for an interview. You don't need me to write multiple paragraphs about why I want to be a server at a chain resturaunt, I promise you know the real answeras to why I'm putting in an application to somewhere that expects me to live off tips.

Dear all hiring managers. Stop. Fucking. Asking. For. A . Cover. Letter! ESPECIALLY if it's just customer service. Unless it's something like daycare/teaching, engineering, or whatever, I will never write another cover letter. I'm not gonna sit there and spend my time kissing your ass before I've even seen your face. You know my qualifications, it's on my resume. If you wanna get to know me more as a person, call me in for an interview. You don't need me to write multiple paragraphs about why I want to be a server at a chain resturaunt, I promise you know the real answeras to why I'm putting in an application to somewhere that expects me to live off tips.

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