
No Notice

I've worked as a database administrator at a medium nonprofit for 7 years. I've mostly enjoyed the work and opportunities I've had here. Our a**hole CEO retired last spring and we have a new one. Our whole development/fundraising dept has quit over the past several months largely because the new CEO is a different kind of a**hole. I'm a dotted line to them even though I'm in IT. Our new CEO is constantly coming to me to give her advice about how to run development. She hired a moron fundraiser (totally different from a development director which we desperately needed) against my advice (which she asked for). She hired back our events manager as a contractor to run and plan our annual gala, and has ignored most of her recommendations. The new CEO seems to assume that there are processes that we've never done here before, like providing payment/donation processing…

I've worked as a database administrator at a medium nonprofit for 7 years. I've mostly enjoyed the work and opportunities I've had here. Our a**hole CEO retired last spring and we have a new one. Our whole development/fundraising dept has quit over the past several months largely because the new CEO is a different kind of a**hole. I'm a dotted line to them even though I'm in IT. Our new CEO is constantly coming to me to give her advice about how to run development. She hired a moron fundraiser (totally different from a development director which we desperately needed) against my advice (which she asked for). She hired back our events manager as a contractor to run and plan our annual gala, and has ignored most of her recommendations. The new CEO seems to assume that there are processes that we've never done here before, like providing payment/donation processing at events. She'll call in the brand new finance director to build something from scratch even though I've had things in place for pretty much any situation. I'm really tired of being asked for advice and then being totally ignored. I've had interviews for three different job openings with other organizations in the past week and hope to land one of them by the end of the month. I can't afford to leave until I have something else in place. My question for you all is, have you ever given no notice to quit a job? It's a revenge fantasy I know, but they will truly be up sh*t creek for a few weeks anyway if I just drop off my laptop at the office with my resignation. I've seen how others who have left have been treated by the new CEO, setting three hour meetings to go over the job duties on their last day.

Not interested — don't care — just want out ASAP.

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