
“No one can leave until the work is done”

So anyone else in the retail wage slave business deal with this? At my job despite working as hard as we can, we're struggling. Today management has said that no one can leave until the work is done. And we are only missing our quota by 1, sometimes 2. During the rest of the week we make it no problem. This just sends my anxiety to skyhigh levels, and I react really badly to it. Feel like I'm being held hostage.

So anyone else in the retail wage slave business deal with this? At my job despite working as hard as we can, we're struggling. Today management has said that no one can leave until the work is done. And we are only missing our quota by 1, sometimes 2. During the rest of the week we make it no problem. This just sends my anxiety to skyhigh levels, and I react really badly to it. Feel like I'm being held hostage.

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