
“No one wants to work anymore!”

So my husband and I both lost our jobs within a month of each other. (Both in June) Him due to injury (not workplace related) that left him unable to stand and carry heavy loads for long amount of times, and me to my whole department being laid off at my brand new job. Monday, he FINALLY got an interview somewhere that he’d be sitting 75-80% of the time. It was for a part time position at a grocery store. We live in a literal shed, so all our bills only add up to $1,000 a month. Part time is fine since I’m also making $400 to $600 a month with my writing. They were interviewing 60 people that day for the ONE part time position they had available at $15 per hour (state minimum is currently $11.15 so it’s better than what most places offer). 60 people for ONE…

So my husband and I both lost our jobs within a month of each other. (Both in June) Him due to injury (not workplace related) that left him unable to stand and carry heavy loads for long amount of times, and me to my whole department being laid off at my brand new job.
Monday, he FINALLY got an interview somewhere that he’d be sitting 75-80% of the time. It was for a part time position at a grocery store. We live in a literal shed, so all our bills only add up to $1,000 a month. Part time is fine since I’m also making $400 to $600 a month with my writing.

They were interviewing 60 people that day for the ONE part time position they had available at $15 per hour (state minimum is currently $11.15 so it’s better than what most places offer). 60 people for ONE PART TIME POSITION. Places that post signs saying “NO ONE WANTS TO WORK” are just places that are unwilling to hire, because he’s been looking for anything for a month now, including jobs that would worsen his injury, so we can pay our bills. Even fast food places won’t set up an interview because his last two years of job history (hmmm what could have caused THAT to be sporadic???) aren’t great. He’s never even so much as had a misdemeanor, doesn’t do drugs, is super friendly and agreeable, etc. Yet it’s taken him almost two months to get an interview anywhere. I’ve seen the applications submitted and even submitted dozens on his behalf.

Ended up having to ask my mom for $500 (she happened to get overtime on her check and is living paycheck to paycheck herself) so we can pay the lease on the shed this month. (Well, last month almost a full 30 days late, really scraping that line on getting it repoed)

I’m so grateful for what we CAN do and what we can afford, but damn it’s hard, especially when our health insurance just got shut off (was making too much for Medicare in November when I signed up) and our car’s tags are expired.

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