All these businesses posting signs about how no one wants to work and workers are lazy. But I've been trying to find a job since March. I left a notice at my old job because I tried to be the better person. I got hired in May for a job but due to a family emergency I got fired after 1 day. I had a job called Tuesday and left a voicemail for me to call that day, so I did, and I've called everyday several times with no response. It's just awfully funny how if you missed their phone call you're a bad guy but if you call back many times and they ignore you they're the good guy apparently. I'm just so tired of these fucking employers. So no it's not a people being lazy problem it's companies wanting to be tight fucks problem. Sorry I just wanted to rant. I felt this way for the past 10 years I'm finally glad more people are realizing employers are fucking terrible.