
No one wants to work, Maintenance

Obligatory: this takes place in a developed country on the Med Sea, English is my third language, etc. I work in a smart industrial setting, doing preventative and brakage maintenance on CNC equipment, part of a team of 11 people, servicing a work center of 120 manufacturing machines, QA equipment and associated misc. In the 3.5 years I've been here, only four people stayed on the team-the rest rotated to other departments or moved to other employers. Last week my supervisor turned in his 4 weeks notice (as expected from a guy in a management position with almost 10 years of tenure). His reason- we're understaffed (as a work center), his team (us) are all overqualified (like experienced engineers with diplomas doing the work of mechanics) and likely to “wander off to greener pastures”, which we are. Before turning in his letter, he recommended to promote me (I finished my…

Obligatory: this takes place in a developed country on the Med Sea, English is my third language, etc.
I work in a smart industrial setting, doing preventative and brakage maintenance on CNC equipment, part of a team of 11 people, servicing a work center of 120 manufacturing machines, QA equipment and associated misc. In the 3.5 years I've been here, only four people stayed on the team-the rest rotated to other departments or moved to other employers.
Last week my supervisor turned in his 4 weeks notice (as expected from a guy in a management position with almost 10 years of tenure). His reason- we're understaffed (as a work center), his team (us) are all overqualified (like experienced engineers with diplomas doing the work of mechanics) and likely to “wander off to greener pastures”, which we are. Before turning in his letter, he recommended to promote me (I finished my BSc in Mechanical engineering), one worker has his contract ending in January (the workplace paid his tuition in college so he has a two year binding contract to work for them) and two more are making sounds of “wandering off”.
He's been begging HR to recriut some mechanics…which they didn't. They say that no-one even applied for the opening. The work center has a 20% understaffing… and they just can't. Why-I have a feeling they're looking for desperate people (no local language skills, over 50), refusing applications of “mobile” workers. Because the pay is competitive and non-work conditions are just fine.
TL:DR- my super is quitting because HR can't tell their elbow form their a$$, and I consider jumping ship even of I have a promotion approved.

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