
No Professional Development or Advancement

Okay, so my mid year performance review is today and I'm dreading it. I basically work in compliance of a (futures/physical) trading arm of an organization. The job is mostly monitoring trades and setting up new trader accounts. In preparation for this review, I told boss a month ago that I'm basically setting up people to do the job that I want to do. It pays really well (golden handcuffs), have some WFH (2 days a week plus every other Friday off), reasonable daily start and end times, and boss is mostly cool (him being hands off is a double edged sword). I have three major financial designations (yes, I'm an acronym whore with a CPA, CFA, and CMT) and I am bored out of my skull. With Covid and the high pay, I got it good, but I am BORED OUT OF MY SKULL. The problem is that it's…

Okay, so my mid year performance review is today and I'm dreading it. I basically work in compliance of a (futures/physical) trading arm of an organization. The job is mostly monitoring trades and setting up new trader accounts.

In preparation for this review, I told boss a month ago that I'm basically setting up people to do the job that I want to do. It pays really well (golden handcuffs), have some WFH (2 days a week plus every other Friday off), reasonable daily start and end times, and boss is mostly cool (him being hands off is a double edged sword).

I have three major financial designations (yes, I'm an acronym whore with a CPA, CFA, and CMT) and I am bored out of my skull. With Covid and the high pay, I got it good, but I am BORED OUT OF MY SKULL.

The problem is that it's a large corporation which means a ton of BUREACRACY and being pigeon-holed (lack of advancment or development). In terms of my skill set, my company knows but also doesn't know.

Basically, I'm saying HR is useless. We have annual surveys for work feedback. I have not responded in the past two years since a) my data point would be a bilp and b) management always interprets the data however they want to put them in the best light. We also had to complete a skills set assessment for our personnel file earlier this year — which filled me with anxiety about potential personal development. However, during a presentation, HR admitted it would not be used for that. It is basically another data point to show HR that they are doing their job and where they have a potential shortfall in employees. I filled out the assessment in 3 minutes and complete APATHY since it did not provide any benefit to me.

To futher comment on management interpretations of inflated worth, there was an employee named GUS which all us mainline works thought should have been promoted/transferred 5 or 6 years earlier due to his professionalism and teamwork. Once he was promoted, the person he coverd said she does not want “anyone else other than Gus to cover my desk” because he was so good at it. Management patted themselves on the back for that as development. My thought was 'WTF, you guys completely failed to recognize this guy's talent and are now taking credit for something that should have happened several years ago? because of your incompetence?.'

They use works like diversity and inclusion and I just feel left out and left behind (to be fair, WFH/Covid had something to do with that). They also said they are providing online (one hour) lecture to help you develop and development is not just a new job. So I'm supposed to waste time to take these course which will continue to be ignrored by HR/management as development as they already continue to ignore by various designations that I've taken to assist me to move to a trading support role.

How do I continue to say I'm unhappy (without saying I'm unhappy) when it simply goes in one ear and other the other?

(Sorry. I'm in a great situation, but just had to vent so I don't end up like a bad (great?) episosde of Dave Chappelle's When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong?

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