
No raise

So my company recently increased the cost of our product, my province is increasing minimum by a significant amount and inflation is a thing. Today I asked my boss in three parts will any of these situations reflect our office getting a raise, and he said no. I believe that these individual things should lead to a raise and with them happening nearly simultaneously I think the office deserves a raise. I just want to know the subs opinion on if I were the share this around my office and potentially get a sort of petition going. I feel it is important to note outside management my office size is 8 people. Increasing by 3 come next month. As well I am not worried about losing this job as I will be moving in 2 months.

So my company recently increased the cost of our product, my province is increasing minimum by a significant amount and inflation is a thing. Today I asked my boss in three parts will any of these situations reflect our office getting a raise, and he said no. I believe that these individual things should lead to a raise and with them happening nearly simultaneously I think the office deserves a raise. I just want to know the subs opinion on if I were the share this around my office and potentially get a sort of petition going.
I feel it is important to note outside management my office size is 8 people. Increasing by 3 come next month. As well I am not worried about losing this job as I will be moving in 2 months.

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