
No, seriously. How many tests are there meant to gatekeep people from getting hired?

Title kind of says it all. I’m currently job searching and it seems like there’s some sort of test or assessment needed to apply for any job. I can understand if it’s a comprehensive test to see if people know their stuff. But I feel like even those are a waste of time for people who actually studied in those fields and have degrees. And if the test is so easy that any average joe could pass, then why have it at all and have such a high barrier to entry? This is clearly something that can be trained/taught on the job. But what really grinds my gears are those stupid fucking personality tests that employers want you to take so they can see if you’re a good fit for the company. You can’t pass or fail it, but there’s clearly an expected result, so that first part is nonsense.…

Title kind of says it all.

I’m currently job searching and it seems like there’s some sort of test or assessment needed to apply for any job. I can understand if it’s a comprehensive test to see if people know their stuff. But I feel like even those are a waste of time for people who actually studied in those fields and have degrees. And if the test is so easy that any average joe could pass, then why have it at all and have such a high barrier to entry? This is clearly something that can be trained/taught on the job.

But what really grinds my gears are those stupid fucking personality tests that employers want you to take so they can see if you’re a good fit for the company. You can’t pass or fail it, but there’s clearly an expected result, so that first part is nonsense. The worst part is that they seem to just become more and more absurd each time you take them. I’ve gone from finding out my work style, to playing casino games, to finding out which Pokémon I am. None of it makes any sense and it’s all a really frustrating and exhausting experience.

I mean, do the jobs want us there or not?

Rant over. Peace.

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