
No welcome for a new remote job?

So i took a remote position at a pretty well-known company, one where everyone posts pics of their “welcome swag”. I do prefer to work remote but at the same time, I feel like companies should have some sense of community even with remote to keep employees feeling connected to the business, right? I know this sounds a little spoiled or petty but just feel a little unwelcome…. When i started, i got a box with nothing but a laptop. Not even a piece of paper, note, nor a charger. I just ended up using one I had already have. Just one lone laptop. Then when I started, all HR orientations were prerecorded so not even an HR rep to chat or ask questions to unless you call in. Everything just feels a little….cold. But the company has a good rep so it feels just like I have bad luck.…

So i took a remote position at a pretty well-known company, one where everyone posts pics of their “welcome swag”.

I do prefer to work remote but at the same time, I feel like companies should have some sense of community even with remote to keep employees feeling connected to the business, right?

I know this sounds a little spoiled or petty but just feel a little unwelcome….

When i started, i got a box with nothing but a laptop. Not even a piece of paper, note, nor a charger. I just ended up using one I had already have. Just one lone laptop.

Then when I started, all HR orientations were prerecorded so not even an HR rep to chat or ask questions to unless you call in. Everything just feels a little….cold. But the company has a good rep so it feels just like I have bad luck.

So I look on linkedin and several new people tagged the company showing pics of their welcome swag to the company in their remote roles.

My boss is really high up and its really too petty to ask him where my swag is. Also calling HR to ask why i didn't get a welcome note is weird too. But something about this makes me a bit bitter and not feel as valued and just forgotten.

Its now been over a month of working here and stupidly I still feel bitter about this. it really isn't that i want pointless stuff, its just that it felt a bit cold. Like you want me to go above and beyond, work more hours and you can just “forget” me for a stupid welcome letter? Just annoyed really.

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