

Nobody want to work because no matter how hard we work, people are never happy. I just worked 12 hours with no breaks. My clients are wealthy. While some are nice, to call them entitled would be an understatement. I heard about an idea they are doing in Germany. They have some co-ops where everyone gets a say. I have managed communities like that so it seems like a good idea to run a business. It’s not fair that because someone inherits a business that they will never be fired but my job is on the line every day. It’s caused me to have anxiety and panic attacks. My parents were so selfish they spent every penny they had. They inherited three houses then acted like they were better than me. I work twice as hard as they ever did just to scrape by. I don’t know what else to…

Nobody want to work because no matter how hard we work, people are never happy. I just worked 12 hours with no breaks. My clients are wealthy. While some are nice, to call them entitled would be an understatement.

I heard about an idea they are doing in Germany. They have some co-ops where everyone gets a say. I have managed communities like that so it seems like a good idea to run a business.

It’s not fair that because someone inherits a business that they will never be fired but my job is on the line every day. It’s caused me to have anxiety and panic attacks.

My parents were so selfish they spent every penny they had. They inherited three houses then acted like they were better than me. I work twice as hard as they ever did just to scrape by.

I don’t know what else to do right now. I came home Friday in tears and that’s not normal for me.

If anyone has a suggestion I’m all ears. Or eyes if reading. We can’t go on like this. Help. What are we going to do. I have looked for jobs in other countries but not many. I’m a property manager and I assume everywhere has a need for my skills.

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