

Nobody wants to work! Immigrants are coming to steal our jobs! I’m confused. Which is it? The governor of Florida just sent a bunch of migrant workers to Martha’s Vineyard. The people there have welcomed them and is taking care of them. I hope they have a wonderful vacation because they earned. But then I want them back, we need them to help. They can handle the heat better than we can from years of evolution and where they live. I had a client say no one wants to work anymore. I told him that nearly everyone who has said that to me is retired. But he’s having to work for free until we hire someone to do maintenance. They may have to increase the pay. Right now the pay is the same as 20 years ago. It wasn’t a bad amount then, but obviously we have inflation. I guess…

Nobody wants to work! Immigrants are coming to steal our jobs! I’m confused. Which is it? The governor of Florida just sent a bunch of migrant workers to Martha’s Vineyard. The people there have welcomed them and is taking care of them. I hope they have a wonderful vacation because they earned. But then I want them back, we need them to help. They can handle the heat better than we can from years of evolution and where they live.

I had a client say no one wants to work anymore. I told him that nearly everyone who has said that to me is retired. But he’s having to work for free until we hire someone to do maintenance. They may have to increase the pay. Right now the pay is the same as 20 years ago. It wasn’t a bad amount then, but obviously we have inflation.

I guess the GOP uses whatever right wing talking point is convenient at the time.

P. S. I wrote all of this myself because the thought occurred to me last night. They can’t have it both ways.

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