
Nobody Wants to Work- Poor Boomers

Maybe this belongs in r/AITA, or r/unpopularopions, but I fucking hate boomers. I think they have raped and pillaged our nation for the last 50 years and have a sense of entitlement as big as the moon ( and far larger than any millenial I have met) . I am a Gen Xer ( mid 40's ) and even though I make $200K / year I am enraged by the rooster tail of shit that that boomers have thrown up in their wake. They are the generation that said fuck off to work life balance and destroyed the family unit , said fuck you to anyone wanting a pension aside from gov't employees, have consumed the housing to fatten their bottom lines, are draining our healthcare system dry( because they have SOOOO MUCH self discipline, they cant drag their ass to the gym a few times a week or…

Maybe this belongs in r/AITA, or r/unpopularopions, but I fucking hate boomers. I think they have raped and pillaged our nation for the last 50 years and have a sense of entitlement as big as the moon ( and far larger than any millenial I have met) . I am a Gen Xer ( mid 40's ) and even though I make $200K / year I am enraged by the rooster tail of shit that that boomers have thrown up in their wake. They are the generation that said fuck off to work life balance and destroyed the family unit , said fuck you to anyone wanting a pension aside from gov't employees, have consumed the housing to fatten their bottom lines, are draining our healthcare system dry( because they have SOOOO MUCH self discipline, they cant drag their ass to the gym a few times a week or eat HALFWAY healthy.) Fuck them. They only care about “me, myself and I. The world will be better when they die.

Posted on Facebook in my community.

“I guess some folks don’t care for work or money. We ”hired” 2 young men to move gravel from a pile in our front yard to an area in our back yard and spread it. At the appointed hour, no show. Finally called them… neither remembered anything about it… said they’d be over. After 45 minutes the wife and I started hauling it. They never showed. The pay was to be $15.00 per hour for 4 hours. That would be $60.00 per man for half a day’s work. I moved around 30 “half carts” of it and the wife spread it. I had moved around 30 half carts of dirt to fill in an area in our drive plus about 6 half carts of gravel over the two days before. So I was already tired. What is it with today’s youth? Growing up I held many jobs from lawn mowing to deckhand on a party boat to road maintenance for the county. I’ve pumped gas, changed tires, worked “Line” at an airport (had to bicycle 20 miles to get to that job – across the Galveston Causeway). BTW, I am over 70, had both shoulders replaced within the last three years. Well, wife and I are going to treat ourselves to dinner with the money we saved…?”

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