
“Nobody Wants To Work” yet I constantly am rejected. Why??

I currently have a job but I hate it. So I have been searching my city high and low for jobs that sound like the opposite of what people say they want, hoping there will be barely any candidates. My current job which I have had for a few years has, at least in my opinion, a ton of great skills and experience that is transferrable to other jobs. I’ve had professional help building my resume. I have been applying to every job that comes up and that I know is complaining about being short staffed, yet I am consistently rejected. Doesn’t matter if I have the education and experience requirements. Still get rejected. Though since everyone is complaining about no one wanting to work, I thought I would also apply to jobs where I don’t technically have necessarily ALL of their requirements hoping they’ll make an exception since they…

I currently have a job but I hate it. So I have been searching my city high and low for jobs that sound like the opposite of what people say they want, hoping there will be barely any candidates. My current job which I have had for a few years has, at least in my opinion, a ton of great skills and experience that is transferrable to other jobs. I’ve had professional help building my resume. I have been applying to every job that comes up and that I know is complaining about being short staffed, yet I am consistently rejected. Doesn’t matter if I have the education and experience requirements. Still get rejected. Though since everyone is complaining about no one wanting to work, I thought I would also apply to jobs where I don’t technically have necessarily ALL of their requirements hoping they’ll make an exception since they need help so badly. And usually these are requirements like “1 yr experience in this position even though this is an entry level position” type thing. What am I doing wrong? Is anyone else getting rejected a ton?

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