
Noise, Capitalism, and Anxiety

I work in retail and at the register today I legit thought my head was going to explode. Bags moving, kids screaming, the speaker going off every five minutes, customers yelling two feet away from each other, managers yelling through the little walkies. How can someone NOT be over stimulated in these conditions? I feel like maybe it’s not talked about enough, but imagine working these conditions day in and day out for years. When we talk about the rise of anxiety, depression, and suicide, maybe it’s because half the time your job sounds like a got damn Warzone. How can you hope to have peace if that’s the conditions you’re working under every single day.

I work in retail and at the register today I legit thought my head was going to explode. Bags moving, kids screaming, the speaker going off every five minutes, customers yelling two feet away from each other, managers yelling through the little walkies. How can someone NOT be over stimulated in these conditions? I feel like maybe it’s not talked about enough, but imagine working these conditions day in and day out for years. When we talk about the rise of anxiety, depression, and suicide, maybe it’s because half the time your job sounds like a got damn Warzone. How can you hope to have peace if that’s the conditions you’re working under every single day.

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