
Non-profits are just as bad with abusing using workers.

This is the story of a previous job I had with a non-profit store. It was in the warehouse of thrift shop. This wasn’t a hard job but they expected you to do non-stop work on your feet all day. One day while on break I overheard our GM, she was talking to him about how she notices employees are getting off task. She said something along the lines of “We have 60 employees at this store, if they all take 10 minutes for themselves throughout the day, that’s 600 minutes wasted, 10 hours a day that’s $120 wasted daily and, they on average work 230 days a year so that’s $27,600 wasted from employees being off task” Kind of hate for $12 /hr, we were being seen as metric. I worked for a local chain thrift store that looks nicer than goodwill and is considered to be no profit.…

This is the story of a previous job I had with a non-profit store. It was in the warehouse of thrift shop. This wasn’t a hard job but they expected you to do non-stop work on your feet all day. One day while on break I overheard our GM, she was talking to him about how she notices employees are getting off task. She said something along the lines of

“We have 60 employees at this store, if they all take 10 minutes for themselves throughout the day, that’s 600 minutes wasted, 10 hours a day that’s $120 wasted daily and, they on average work 230 days a year so that’s $27,600 wasted from employees being off task”

Kind of hate for $12 /hr, we were being seen as metric. I worked for a local chain thrift store that looks nicer than goodwill and is considered to be no profit.

Next so many safety concerns that I had were never addressed, first was hygiene, we sorted through people’s donated items and they weren’t always the cleanest. It’s part of the job but we weren’t guaranteed hard core cleaning materials or anything to clean up our area and a result, it got dirty. Next there was a hazard with just stacking gaylords and bins on top of one of one another often unbalanced. I’ve made safety concerns that these could fall and no one really made a big fuss. On top of that, you absorbed abuse from people donating when you can’t accept an item and they always had a “work family” meeting in the morning where they did a little prayer. I put in my two weeks notice over a year ago, got a yelled at by another employee for being on my phone with my response being “like I care”

Point is, just because they say they are non profit doesn’t meant they are by all great means good to work for.

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