
Nonprofit lying

Not sure if it belongs here but idk where else to post this. I’ve been working at a local nonprofit since the beginning of the pandemic, and things are just going downhill. They are not providing the services they claim to provide, but the donations just keep rolling in. They have been bleeding employees, almost all of the caseworkers have left, and the remaining staff are stretched thin. People call every day asking for help and I just have to keep giving them the same overworked caseworker’s number and tell them she will help them, when I know she probably won’t be able to. I feel like I’m lying every day working here and it’s just horrible. The executive director sits in his office all day with the door closed on the phone with donors completely ignoring these issues. The organization wasn’t great before, I personally don’t agree much with…

Not sure if it belongs here but idk where else to post this. I’ve been working at a local nonprofit since the beginning of the pandemic, and things are just going downhill. They are not providing the services they claim to provide, but the donations just keep rolling in. They have been bleeding employees, almost all of the caseworkers have left, and the remaining staff are stretched thin. People call every day asking for help and I just have to keep giving them the same overworked caseworker’s number and tell them she will help them, when I know she probably won’t be able to. I feel like I’m lying every day working here and it’s just horrible. The executive director sits in his office all day with the door closed on the phone with donors completely ignoring these issues. The organization wasn’t great before, I personally don’t agree much with their mission, but at least before I knew some people actually did appreciate it services so I let it go. But now, all those little things I didn’t agree with before have just blown up- for example, clients are not allowed to pick up their mail (many are homeless and use us as an address to receive mail) without speaking to a caseworker first. Before I found this a bit weird and controlling, but now that there’s only one caseworker covering multiple offices, there is often not a caseworker available so clients are not allowed to pick up THEIR mail. They could simply change this rule, or make more of an effort to hire caseworkers, but they’re doing neither. The salary they are offering is literally below the poverty line in my area and they refuse to raise it, even though fundraising is higher than it’s been in years. They are lying to their donors as well but that could be its own post LOL.

I don’t know how much longer I can go on working here, it’s a secure job but it’s destroying my mental health.

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