
Not all unions are a good thing

I'm very pro-union. I think that as a concept, they should be universal. I mean, who doesn't like rights? But I'm in a union, a pretty bad one. I'm told the union that represented us before I started was even worse. Our contract is written to almost strictly benefit people who have been with the company 10+ years. The company actually hides behind the union to DENY rights to people with lower seniority. Oh, you need reasonable accommodations for a medical condition? Well everyone higher than you in seniority would also need to get those “priveleges” so we'll just put you out of work instead. The company messed up your paycheck and underpaid you? Well you have several hoops you need to jump through in exactly the right order and if it takes you more than 12 days to do so you forfeit your right to that money. You signed…

I'm very pro-union. I think that as a concept, they should be universal. I mean, who doesn't like rights?

But I'm in a union, a pretty bad one. I'm told the union that represented us before I started was even worse.

Our contract is written to almost strictly benefit people who have been with the company 10+ years. The company actually hides behind the union to DENY rights to people with lower seniority. Oh, you need reasonable accommodations for a medical condition? Well everyone higher than you in seniority would also need to get those “priveleges” so we'll just put you out of work instead.

The company messed up your paycheck and underpaid you? Well you have several hoops you need to jump through in exactly the right order and if it takes you more than 12 days to do so you forfeit your right to that money. You signed a contract, after all.

Wages are going up everywhere and a starting wage of $18 is almost a given in our area? Well our contract says starting pay is $14.50 until next year so we just won't have any new hires.

You don't want to work 3rd shift for 7 years straight? Well we haven't had enough new hires to give you the seniority to move anywhere else, so suck it.

The only concession “rookies” are given (and by rookies I mean people who have been around at least 5 years) is that vacation days are granted on a first come, first serve basis so all the lifers can't eat up all the days and leave everyone else with PTO that can't be used and won't roll over or be paid out.

Turnover between years 1-8 is about 90%. Above that it's less than 10% and only that high because the company is VERY good at finding very stupid reasons to fire people and old guys get too comfortable. But hey, at least we're in a union.

Unions only work if a majority of the workplace gives a damn about their fellow worker. The sad fact is that a lot of people are greedy and will screw over the next guy to get a teeny tiny extra perk for themselves. Our stewards are all pretty trash but they've got a lot of friends so it's impossible to get a majority and replace them. I just go alone for most union matters because most stewards haven't even skimmed the contract.

Just remember to vet a union before signing a contract and that they are also out to make money. Bad unions are just as plentiful as bad bosses.

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