
Not allowed to eat at the desk anymore and I’m pregnant but apparently this is legal. Fuck this office

Today I was informed that I had been spotted eating a banana while working and that this is now banned. The company is having trouble retaining staff due to a high level of training needed yet low pay and micromanagement, and now this. I have been off work for a couple of weeks due to back pain because I'm pregnant and huge and I come back to this stupid new rule. Apparently some lad started work, went to make his breakfast in the company's toaster and then sat eating it for half an hour while on his phone so now I can't eat fruit while I'm checking emails. This is bullshit. I'm just holding on so I get my maternity pay then I'm leaving them. “You can eat during your break” Yeah I need those 10 minutes to be able to bend down to go to the toilet, thanks. “You…

Today I was informed that I had been spotted eating a banana while working and that this is now banned.

The company is having trouble retaining staff due to a high level of training needed yet low pay and micromanagement, and now this.

I have been off work for a couple of weeks due to back pain because I'm pregnant and huge and I come back to this stupid new rule. Apparently some lad started work, went to make his breakfast in the company's toaster and then sat eating it for half an hour while on his phone so now I can't eat fruit while I'm checking emails.

This is bullshit. I'm just holding on so I get my maternity pay then I'm leaving them.

“You can eat during your break”
Yeah I need those 10 minutes to be able to bend down to go to the toilet, thanks.
“You can eat before work”
I am exhausted and growing a human inside me. Fuck off and let me sleep. I don't avoid work while I'm there, and I'm not some dirty beggar who gets crumbs in the keyboard, I just want to graze fruit all day so I don't eat crisps and chocolate.

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