
Not empowered

I used to be a manager in charge of vendors and certain services, then our company was sold and new corporate management started working over me. Only a couple of months in the Cable company contacted me offering a different rate for Internet services to one of our sites with faster speed at lower cost. No contract needed to be signed. As soon as the corporate people found out I was raked over the coals for doing exactly what my job had been for years. I saved the company money, increased their service, and did not locking them into a contract but was chastised ALL BECAUSE I did not ask permission from them. I told them, well since I have in writing that you are displeased with my decision and we are not in a contract, I will call them and put it back. That ended the discussion pretty quickly.

I used to be a manager in charge of vendors and certain services, then our company was sold and new corporate management started working over me. Only a couple of months in the Cable company contacted me offering a different rate for Internet services to one of our sites with faster speed at lower cost. No contract needed to be signed. As soon as the corporate people found out I was raked over the coals for doing exactly what my job had been for years. I saved the company money, increased their service, and did not locking them into a contract but was chastised ALL BECAUSE I did not ask permission from them. I told them, well since I have in writing that you are displeased with my decision and we are not in a contract, I will call them and put it back. That ended the discussion pretty quickly.

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