
Not getting breaks isn’t just about pay!

So I work at a department store and joy of joys it's Christmas time and I got put on the Christmas floor yesterday. Initially I was scheduled to work 10am to 3pm so I was entitled to a rest break (Australian) BUT I was asked to work til 5pm instead which bumped my hours to the extend I was entitled to a full hours lunch break plus a rest break. I asked the floor supervisor if I could take it (it was 2pm) and got told just to take my tea. Sure. Whatever. I buy a packet of crisps and a coke from the vending machines to keep me going (because I hadn't had anything prior as I was going to have a late lunch at 3pm once I finished) And then I didn't get a lunch break. At all. So of course I end up in the break room…

So I work at a department store and joy of joys it's Christmas time and I got put on the Christmas floor yesterday.
Initially I was scheduled to work 10am to 3pm so I was entitled to a rest break (Australian) BUT I was asked to work til 5pm instead which bumped my hours to the extend I was entitled to a full hours lunch break plus a rest break.
I asked the floor supervisor if I could take it (it was 2pm) and got told just to take my tea. Sure. Whatever. I buy a packet of crisps and a coke from the vending machines to keep me going (because I hadn't had anything prior as I was going to have a late lunch at 3pm once I finished)

And then I didn't get a lunch break. At all.

So of course I end up in the break room with my head between my knees shaking because it's HOT it's australian summer and not only do we not get a chance to drink water inbetween customers (it's the 22nd of December and nobody fucking knows how to schedule their Xmas shopping) we are not getting our required breaks AND THE AIR CON IS NOT AT ALL FUNCTIONING ITS LIKE 95 DEGREES (LIKE 35C)

Once I've recovered a bit (had some water and a muffin from a coworker) I decide to choose violence and go straight to my manager in the (air-conitioned) office and tell her this, that not just me bur others aren't getting their breaks and it's just
“You should've called me” WHEN? when customers were getting aggressive because they decided to wait at a register with a long line when they could've gone anywhere else? when I was TOLD not to take my lunch? When?

She tells me I can sit in the staff room until 5 if I want and go home with pay and I'm not really happy because I'm just. I'm concerned for our group not just me ya know? But it doesn't really get through so I just go back up and I see the register and I'm like

“Well. Shit.”
And I go there and I finish my fucking shift working because like he'll I'm leaving 2 people with that kind of crowd. I have heat exhaustion but I'm not an asshole.

And then today I told the floor supervisor and he was just “oh just tell manager and she'll make sure you get paid for it, I didn't get mine either”

My guy the pay is so far from being my primary concern but yall are corporate slaves I guess.

Ugh I'm way more concerned with the fact that we are all overheating and are dealing with hundreds of customers with a team of 3 but they just don't understand

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