
Not getting the hours I need

I graduated and moved and am working 2 jobs Job A is just 2 days a week and Job But is 4 days A is bussing, I can't really work more than 2 days because during the week it's slow and can only have 1 busser on, I used to work Saturdays there and I was doing more work than getting paid for so I switched that day – and closings are the worst I don't get out until really late and those doubles are terrible B is a sandwich shop. 2p-4p are their slowest hours so they only keep 2 or 3 people on during that time. We get to make our own availability sheet each month and I've told them I need 22-24 hours a week I just got my own apartment and it's $1035 a month – thankfully my dad is helping me pay for utilities because…

I graduated and moved and am working 2 jobs

Job A is just 2 days a week and Job But is 4 days

A is bussing, I can't really work more than 2 days because during the week it's slow and can only have 1 busser on, I used to work Saturdays there and I was doing more work than getting paid for so I switched that day – and closings are the worst I don't get out until really late and those doubles are terrible

B is a sandwich shop. 2p-4p are their slowest hours so they only keep 2 or 3 people on during that time. We get to make our own availability sheet each month and I've told them I need 22-24 hours a week

I just got my own apartment and it's $1035 a month – thankfully my dad is helping me pay for utilities because other wise I'd have almost no money.

I've talked to my boss at least 5 times in the past month asking for more hours because they barely give me 20

Job A pays $6 an hour but with tips it's usually $15 and if I'm alone on Sunday then it's up to $25 an hour

Job B pays $16 an hour plus tips (the more hours you work the more tips you get)

I'm kind of fine with my budget right now but I really want to focus on saving and I have a shit ton of things to get for my apartment

I talked to a shift lead and she isn't getting the hours she needs either – I just don't get it and if it keeps going on I might have to find a different job

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